January 2019

    Dannemora by Charles A. Gardner

    Joyce Mitchell was a messed up, lonely woman living in the wildest part of upper New York State when she, like many residents in that area, went to work for the prison system…it seems prisons are a big industry in that part of the state. She met and married another employee and they worked at …

    The Last Stone by Mark Bowden

    Mark Bowden is famous for books such as Blackhawk Down, Killing Pablo, and Hue 1968. In other words, nonfiction on heavy subjects. His latest is The Last Stone, subtitled A Masterpiece of Criminal Interrogation.  Being a big fan of both Bowden and the true crime genre,  I am happy to thank  Grove Atlantic/Atlantic Monthly Press …

    Judgment by Joseph Finder

    I’m a big fan of Joseph Finder, so was happy to receive a copy of Judgment from Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. This is a standalone novel featuring  Judge Juliana Brody, a happily married up-and-coming judicial star goes to a legal conference and does something out of character: she …

    The Lost Man by Jane Harper

    I first read Jane Harper when I stumbled across The Dry, which is aptly described as “an atmospheric thriller.” Set in Australia, it features Federal Police Agent Aaron Falk in a nifty crime mystery with possibly the most vividly described environment I can remember reading. EVER. Seriously, I could feel the heat and the dust. …