Thomas Perry is becoming a favorite…and he has done it again, writing the kind of fast-paced thriller for which he is known as a master. Perry’s protagonists are complex characters who sometimes stumble into things but (no matter how they get there) they always seem to figure out how to prevail, regardless of the obstacles.
In Murder Book, former cop Harry Duncan gets roped in to fighting corruption and crime in the small town where the U.S. Attorney happens to be his ex-wife lives who turns to him when she needs help. It’s kind of impossible for Harry to resist being the one to charge in and fix things…that whole Y chromosome thing, maybe? In any case, Harry is the guy to call if your small town is being overrun by big city-type crime. Quite a fun read, and I appreciate Penzler Publishers/Mysterious Press and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for this honest review. Four stars.