A Private Cathedral is James Lee Burke’s fortieth book, and I am pretty sure my husband had read them all up til now. I had read one or two, and I can’t remember which ones, which tells you something. I had another chance thanks to Simon & Schuster providing me with a copy of A Private Cathedral in exchange for an honest review.
Full disclosure right up front: I can’t say I read all of this one. I TRIED. I really did. And I’m going to play the virus card, because everyone’s lives have been totally tossed around by the current pandemic…and don’t even get me started on the incompetent handling of this in the U.S. But that should really provide adequate time to read, even things we might not love, right?
Like I said, I tried. This book features Dave Robicheaux and his longtime partner Clete Purcell, and includes New Iberia, sex trafficking, rock and roll, and PTSD. Sounds like something for everyone…and, like I said, I TRIED. And felt like I failed at a test or something, until my husband also couldn’t get through it (and, as noted above, he LOVES James Lee Burke)!
The publisher’s blurb describes this book as “mixing crime, romance, mythology, horror, and science fiction.” That explains it, neither of us is a fan of either horror or sci-fi and a little mythology goes a long way. I can take or leave (good) romance and we both love crime stories…but one out of five isn’t enough! I considered using that formula for my rating, giving it one star…but I’m giving it two because it could be at least partly due to the state of the world that I couldn’t handle this one. (Looks like many fans of Burke loved it)