Thomas Perry has been writing for years, but keeps being discovered by new fans. Although his latest, Eddie’s Boy, is fine as a standalone, it is part of the “Butcher’s Boy” series, and The Informant, the most recent in that series, is referenced throughout, so it might be best to at least read that one first. But not totally necessary.
Years ago, a mob hitman named Eddie took in Michael Shaeffer, whose parents had been killed in an automobile accident. Eddie taught Michael everything he knew, including how to kill, and Michael went on to become a hitman himself. After he and his aristocratic wife retire to a secluded estate in England, his enemies track them down and try to kill him. He becomes involved in a chase that takes him to America, with lots of insights into how “Eddie’s Boy” became who he is, and how he might survive the assault on his peaceful retirement.
Mysterious Press and NetGalley provided an ARC of Eddie’s Boy in exchange for my honest review. Kind of fun to root for the “bad guy” — four stars.