I won’t even get into how much I admire Rabia Chaudry, other than to say I listen to her podcasts, have read her book Adnan’s Story, and generally enjoy hearing her comment on family, food, and life as the daughter of Pakistani immigrants living near Baltimore.
An attorney who has a razor-sharp mind, a wicked sense of humor, and an amazing amount of inner strength (how many years did she work to correct the wrong done when her brother’s best friend Adnan was wrongly convicted for the murder of his former girlfriend? Yikes).
FFBB is filled with Rabia’s thoughts about family, culture, and food. There are even recipes! Fans of Rabia will enjoy, as will anyone interested in our culture’s obsession with weight and the damage we do to ourselves with fat-shaming, whether it is directed at ourselves or someone else. Four stars. Thanks to Algonquin Books and NetGalley for providing a copy in return for this honest review. And seriously? Feeding frozen sticks of butter to a young child as a treat/pacifier? Yikes.