A young woman named Lucca Marino works for a mysterious boss known only as Mr. Smith. Her job responsibilities are a bit murky at first, but clearly she is a con artist who is given a phony identity and the name of a mark…so now she is Evie Porter. Her mark is Ryan Sumner. As she learns about her target, along the way she starts to envision a new life. She has always retained one thing: her identity, the real one. Then she and Ryan are at a party and she is introduced to someone who not only looks like her, but introduces herself as Lucca Marino. A big WTF moment for sure~- and that’s just the start!
This one is incredibly twisty and well plotted, and totally held my interest. Highly recommended for fans of thrillers, woman-in-danger stories, or just a fun read. I look forward to reading more from Ashley Elston. Four stars,