Back when I had just received a cancer diagnosis, I found Kate Bowler’s book Everything Happens For A Reason to be entertaining, inspiring, comforting– all the things you want from a book at a time like that! Recently, I read her follow-up book, No Cure For Being Human, in which she addressed the fact that we really have no control over our lives, being human and all, but that life can still be beautiful. So I was happy to receive a copy of Good Enough (subtitled 40-ish devotionals for a life of imperfection) from Convergent Books and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
OK, I KNEW going in that she is a divinity school professor, focusing on the prosperity gospel and all. And I understand that her aim is to help people who want to stop feeling guilty about not living their “best life” now…but seriously, it’s kinda challenging when you are dealing with cancer, right? But– I digress.
So the real question is: just what was I THINKING? I am not even Christian, so I am not sure why I thought this book of”Christian daily reflections” would be something I’d enjoy. OK, TBH there are times when I WISH I could just be a “person of faith” and believe that there is a plan or a reason. Or, barring that, be someone who accepts that striving for whatever is possible today (living in the moment and all) is the way to find acceptance, comfort, solace, whatever you want to call it.
But that isn’t me. So I tried to look at this as if I were a believer, at least enough to think these “devotionals” were applicable to my life. And I even imagined I was among the people I know whose lives are lived with a huge focus on their relationship with God/Jesus/Whomever. And it still wasn’t for me, but I did appreciate the writing and the positivity. And I will continue to recommend Kate Bowler to people — she is terrific, and I know she has helped many many people. I’m giving this one four stars with all the caveats listed above.