A few weeks ago, I was watching the Rachel Maddow show, and she discussed the story of the cyber surveillance tool named Pegasus. Developed originally by a company called NSO (a private group based in Israel) as a way for the good guys to monitor the bad guys, it has apparently morphed into a tool used by the bad guys to target enemies…not necessarily bad guys from the US point of view.
The truly scary thing is that Pegasus infects mobile phones (or other devices) without the owner of the device having a clue they are under surveillance. (YIKES!) It has apparently been used to surveil hundreds (thousands?) of innocent people, including diplomats, heads of state, journalists…you get the idea. It is scary AF.
A data leak led to an investigation that led to the story being publicized. TBH it gave me nightmares. It is well done, and incredible storytelling. If only it were just a story. Five stars.