I read and reviewed Lisa Unger’s Last Girl Ghosted, Confessions on the 7:45, Under My Skin, and Ink & Bone and they were all four star reads, so I was not terribly surprised when I received a copy of Ms. Unger’s Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six from Legend Press and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and it ended up also being four stars.
The difference is that for some reason this latest one seemed full of characters that were annoying. Not just one person – all of them. The story is one of the “locked-room” mystery types, with several characters staying together in a luxury “cabin” in the remote Georgia woods. (I admit as I got into it, I wondered if we’d hear the theme from Deliverance playing soon…). The houseguests for this luxury getaway include Mako/Michael, the organizer and host for this bash, along with his wife Liza, his sister Hannah and her husband Bruce, and Hannah’s BFF Cricket and her boyfriend Joshua. The “cabin” comes with a chef and masseuse and the owner, Bracken, who seems to always be hovering nearby. On top of all that, the history of the place includes possibly being haunted, and then a big storm rolls in, knocking out power and making the one road entrance impassable. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
A second storyline involves a boy named Henry, whose mother died when he was even younger, forcing him into the foster system. With Unger’s typically awesome method of building suspense and weaving storylines together, and the fact that we just know the stories will merge, things move quickly. There is plenty of deceit, love, loyalty, and redemption to keep the reader occupied. I’m giving it four stars, just because it kept me entertained for a couple of days, and I consider Ms. Unger to be reliably good at writing books I enjoy (even if the characters are all PITAs).Thanks to Legend and NetGalley.