I’ve been a non-meat eater for over 30 years…but I sometimes eat fish–or as my friend put it, “oh, you’re a HYPOCRITE!” So I don’t exactly qualify as a vegetarian, let alone a vegan…but I aspire to eat healthy, so I was very happy to receive a copy of Nadine Hom’s Vegan Everything from The Experiment and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Subtitled “100 Easy Recipes for Any Craving – from Bagels to Burgers, Tacos to Ramen,” I figured I’d find something better than the things I’ve tried in the past.
There are 100 vegan versions comfort foods and “fun new inventions and healthy options” Some of the sections with recipes include “Party Hits,” “Quick Meals, and “Easy Recipes,” which has things like Speedy Ramen, Overnight Oats, and Peanut Truffles (WHY do I always look at the desserts first?). I admit I’m not overly excited about Bavarian Samosas or Thai Tempura, but I’m a notoriously boring cook, so maybe I need to expand my horizons. This week I AM going to try the Mexican Paella, and if it is half as good as the photo looks, I will be ecstatic. A great-looking book, it is enjoyable visually as well as being a terrific source for ideas. Five stars.